Strategien für die Biotechnologie müssen Möglichkeiten für Forschung, Innovation und Unternehmenswachstum berücksichtigen. Auf regionaler Ebene bieten öffentlich-private Kooperationen Potenzial für ein solches Wachstum und die Schaffung von Kompetenzzentren. Unter Berücksichtigung der jüngsten Fortschritte in Bereichen wie Genomik, Gesundheitsdiagnostik, synthetische Biologie, Geneditierung und bio-digitale Technologien werden Möglichkeiten für intelligente, strategische und spezialisierte Investitionen erörtert.
Diese Möglichkeiten beinhalten häufig konvergente oder disruptive Technologien, die beispielsweise Elemente der Pharma-Wissenschaft, der Molekularbiologie, der Bioinformatik und der Entwicklung neuartiger Geräte kombinieren, um die Biotechnologie und die Biowissenschaften zu verbessern. Analytische Anwendungen verwenden neuartige Geräte für die mobile Gesundheit, die prädiktive Diagnostik und die geschichtete Medizin. Die synthetische Biologie bietet Möglichkeiten für die Entwicklung neuer Produkte und die Steigerung der Effizienz bestehender Prozesse. Erfolgreiche Kompetenzzentren sollten öffentlich-private Geschäftspartnerschaften, Clustering und globale Kooperationen fördern, die auf Spitzenleistungen, intelligenten Strategien und Innovationen beruhen, um langfristig nachhaltig zu bleiben.
Eine der größten Herausforderungen für die Biotechnologie- und Pharmaunternehmen im 21. Jahrhundert wird die Entwicklung und Lieferung von Arzneimitteln sein, die der Biologie und Pathophysiologie des einzelnen Patienten entsprechen. Dieser Wechsel von der Blockbuster-Medizin zur personalisierten Medizin wird in hohem Maße die Art und Weise beeinflussen, wie Medikamente in Zukunft entwickelt, vermarktet und verschrieben werden. Diese Änderungen könnten ein Ende der Blockbuster-Philosophie in „Big Pharma“ bedeuten und damit wesentliche Änderungen in den Unternehmensstrukturen nach sich ziehen. Die Implementierung der personalisierten Medizin wird ein schrittweiser Prozess sein, bei dem die Aufteilung der Patienten in biologische Untergruppen der erste wichtige Schritt sein wird. Dies ist bereits heute bei mehreren Krebserkrankungen der Fall, beispielsweise bei Brustkrebs. In den kommenden Jahren werden aufgrund der Ergebnisse pharmakodiagnostischer Tests immer mehr Medikamente verschrieben. In der Krebsmedizin, die auf diesem Gebiet führend war, wird erwartet, dass in 10 bis 15 Jahren nur sehr wenige Medikamente ohne einen solchen Test verschrieben werden.
Erfolg in Open Science definieren.
Immer mehr Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass Innovationssysteme weltweit zunehmend nicht mehr nachhaltig sind. Ebenso bestehen weiterhin Bedenken hinsichtlich der Ungleichheiten im Wissenschafts- und Innovationsprozess und des Zugangs zu seinen Vorteilen. Vor dem Hintergrund wachsender gesundheitlicher, wirtschaftlicher und wissenschaftlicher Herausforderungen versuchen globale Interessengruppen dringend, Innovationen voranzutreiben und die gerechte Verteilung der Vorteile für alle zu maximieren. Die Open Science Collaboration (OS), die eine Vielzahl von Ansätzen umfasst, um die offene, öffentliche und schnelle Mobilisierung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse zu verbessern, wird als einer der vielversprechendsten Wege in die Zukunft angesehen. Viele Entscheidungsträger zögern jedoch, eine Politik zu entwickeln, die die Annahme und Implementierung von Betriebssystemen unterstützt, ohne Zugang zu substanziellen, klaren und verlässlichen Beweisen zu haben.
Im Oktober 2017 versammelten sich internationale Vordenker auf einem Open Science Leadership Forum in den Büros der Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Washington DC, um ihre Ansichten darüber zu teilen, wie erfolgreich Open Science aussieht. Delegierte aus Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern, nationalen Regierungen, Wissenschaftsagenturen und Förderorganisationen, Philanthropie, Forschern, Patientenorganisationen und der Biotechnologie-, Pharma- und Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) -Industrie diskutierten die Ergebnisse, die sie dazu bringen würden, in OS und darüber hinaus zu investieren Fragen der Politik und Umsetzung. Dieser erste von zwei Berichten fasst die Ansichten der Delegierten darüber zusammen, was OS ihrer Meinung nach in Bezug auf Forschung, Innovation und soziale Auswirkungen in den Biowissenschaften leisten wird.
Durch einen offenen und kollaborativen Prozess in den nächsten Monaten werden wir diese Erfolgsergebnisse in ein Toolkit quantitativer und qualitativer Indikatoren umsetzen, um zu bewerten, wann, wo und wie offene wissenschaftliche Kooperationen Forschung, Innovation und sozialen Nutzen am besten fördern. Letztendlich zielt diese Arbeit darauf ab, Instrumente zu entwickeln und offen auszutauschen, die es den Stakeholdern ermöglichen, ihre Innovationsökosysteme zu bewerten und neu zu erfinden, den Wert für die globale Öffentlichkeit und die Patienten zu maximieren und langjährige Fragen zu den Mechanismen der Innovation zu beantworten.
Impfstoffherstellung und -technologie: von biotechnologischen Plattformen bis zu syntethischen Epitopen, aktueller Standpunkt.
Die Ziele: Die Überprüfung berücksichtigt die kurze Geschichte der Impfpraxis und die Entwicklung der Impfstofftechnologie. ‘In die Überprüfung beziehen wir Daten aus mehreren Monographien über die Herstellung von Impfstoffen ein, die von Autoren von Unternehmen wie Merck & Co; Sanofi Pasteur; Dynavax Europe / Rhein Biotech GmbH; Latham Biopharm Group; Aridis Pharmaceuticals LLC; Genentech; Amgen; Shamir Biologics LLC; Biopharm Services US; Novartis Pharma AG und mehrere Forschungszentren: Labor für bakterielle Polysaccharide, Zentrum für Bewertung und Forschung von Biologika; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; Institut für Pharmazeutische Chemie, Univ. Von Kansas; Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme; Fraunhofer USA Zentrum für Molekulare Biotechnologie; US Dep. of Agriculture Tier- und Pflanzengesundheitsinspektionsdienst usw.
Impfstoffherstellung und -technologie: von biotechnologischen Plattformen bis zu syntethischen Epitopen, aktueller Standpunkt.
Die Ziele: Die Überprüfung berücksichtigt die kurze Geschichte der Impfpraxis und die Entwicklung der Impfstofftechnologie. In die Überprüfung beziehen wir Daten aus mehreren Monographien über die Herstellung von Impfstoffen ein, die von Autoren von Unternehmen wie Merck & Co; Sanofi Pasteur; Dynavax Europe / Rhein Biotech GmbH; Latham Biopharm Group; Aridis Pharmaceuticals LLC; Genentech; Amgen; Shamir Biologics LLC; Biopharm Services US; Novartis Pharma AG und mehrere Forschungszentren: Labor für bakterielle Polysaccharide, Zentrum für Bewertung und Forschung von Biologika; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; Institut für Pharmazeutische Chemie, Univ. Von Kansas; Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme; Fraunhofer USA Zentrum für Molekulare Biotechnologie; US Dep. of Agriculture Tier- und Pflanzengesundheitsinspektionsdienst usw.
In der historischen Literatur gibt es Daten über Impfpraktiken im antiken China, Persien, Indien, Byzanz, amerikanischen Ureinwohnern und einigen afrikanischen Bevölkerungsgruppen. In der modernen Immunologie wurden die Impfstoffe seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts auf den In-vivo-Plattformen hergestellt – bei Tieren (Kaninchen, Mäusen, Kühen). Seit 1931 wurden und werden aufgrund der Entwicklung von E. Goodpasture die meisten Virusimpfstoffe auf der in ovo-Plattform hergestellt. 1949 entwickelte J. F. Enders in vitro eine Produktion von Polio-Viren in großem Maßstab in der Primärkultur von Affennierenzellen.
Peptide Standard 1 |
abx266780-200l |
Abbexa |
200 µl |
EUR 212.5 |
Peptide Standard 1 |
MBS8246914-10mg |
MyBiosource |
10mg |
EUR 800 |
Peptide Standard 1 |
MBS8246914-1mg |
MyBiosource |
1mg |
EUR 285 |
Peptide Standard 1 |
MBS8246914-5mg |
MyBiosource |
5mg |
EUR 565 |
Peptide Standard 1 |
MBS8246914-5x10mg |
MyBiosource |
5x10mg |
EUR 3505 |
Rat Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099874-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1805 |
Rat Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099874-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1925 |
Rat Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099874-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1125 |
Rat Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099874-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1200 |
Rat Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099484-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1305 |
Rat Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099484-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1425 |
Rat Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099484-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 830 |
Rat Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099484-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 905 |
Human Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099870-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1410 |
Human Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099870-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1530 |
Human Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099870-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 895 |
Human Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099870-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 970 |
Human Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099871-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1670 |
Human Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099871-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1790 |
Human Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099871-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1050 |
Human Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099871-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1125 |
Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099872-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1445 |
Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099872-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1570 |
Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099872-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 915 |
Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099872-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 990 |
Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099873-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1715 |
Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099873-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1835 |
Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099873-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1080 |
Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099873-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1145 |
Human Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099482-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1585 |
Human Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099482-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1710 |
Human Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099482-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1000 |
Human Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099482-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1075 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099483-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1305 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099483-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1425 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099483-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 830 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099483-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 905 |
Rat Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099585-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1715 |
Rat Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099585-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1835 |
Rat Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099585-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1080 |
Rat Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099585-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1145 |
Human Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099583-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1585 |
Human Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099583-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1710 |
Human Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099583-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1000 |
Human Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099583-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1075 |
Mouse Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099584-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1630 |
Mouse Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099584-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1750 |
Mouse Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099584-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1030 |
Mouse Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 (Ab1-40) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099584-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1100 |
Human Antigen Peptide Transporter 1 (TAP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102314-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1480 |
Human Antigen Peptide Transporter 1 (TAP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102314-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1600 |
Human Antigen Peptide Transporter 1 (TAP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102314-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 935 |
Human Antigen Peptide Transporter 1 (TAP1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102314-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1010 |
Rat Galanin Like Peptide (GALP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102769-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1595 |
Rat Galanin Like Peptide (GALP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102769-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1715 |
Rat Galanin Like Peptide (GALP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102769-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1005 |
Rat Galanin Like Peptide (GALP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102769-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1080 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor (GLP1R) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102539-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1515 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor (GLP1R) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102539-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1640 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor (GLP1R) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102539-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 960 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor (GLP1R) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102539-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1035 |
Human Hydrogen Ion/Peptide Transporter 1 (HPEPT1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2103041-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1480 |
Human Hydrogen Ion/Peptide Transporter 1 (HPEPT1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2103041-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1600 |
Human Hydrogen Ion/Peptide Transporter 1 (HPEPT1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2103041-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 935 |
Human Hydrogen Ion/Peptide Transporter 1 (HPEPT1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2103041-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1010 |
Rat Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101746-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1270 |
Rat Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101746-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1390 |
Rat Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101746-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 810 |
Rat Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101746-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 885 |
Rat Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099076-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1680 |
Rat Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099076-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1805 |
Rat Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099076-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1060 |
Rat Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099076-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1125 |
Rat Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100461-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1330 |
Rat Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100461-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1450 |
Rat Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100461-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 845 |
Rat Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100461-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 920 |
Rat Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102262-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1255 |
Rat Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102262-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1380 |
Rat Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102262-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 800 |
Rat Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102262-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 875 |
Rat Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089764-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 2150 |
Rat Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089764-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 2275 |
Rat Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089764-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1335 |
Rat Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089764-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1405 |
Mouse Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089855-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1630 |
Mouse Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089855-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1750 |
Mouse Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089855-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1030 |
Mouse Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089855-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1100 |
Human Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101744-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1750 |
Human Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101744-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1875 |
Human Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101744-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1100 |
Human Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101744-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1165 |
Mouse Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101745-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1220 |
Mouse Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101745-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1345 |
Mouse Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101745-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 780 |
Mouse Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101745-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 855 |
Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099074-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1585 |
Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099074-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1710 |
Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099074-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1000 |
Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099074-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1075 |
Mouse Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099075-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1515 |
Mouse Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099075-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1640 |
Mouse Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099075-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 960 |
Mouse Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099075-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1035 |
Human Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100459-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1670 |
Human Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100459-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1790 |
Human Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100459-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1050 |
Human Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100459-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1125 |
Mouse Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100460-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1285 |
Mouse Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100460-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1405 |
Mouse Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100460-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 820 |
Mouse Osteogenic Growth Peptide (OGP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2100460-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 890 |
Rat Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor 1 (VIPR1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101857-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1595 |
Rat Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor 1 (VIPR1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101857-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1715 |
Rat Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor 1 (VIPR1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101857-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1005 |
Rat Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor 1 (VIPR1) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2101857-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1080 |
Human Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102260-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1750 |
Human Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102260-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1875 |
Human Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102260-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1100 |
Human Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102260-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1165 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102261-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1800 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102261-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1920 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102261-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1130 |
Mouse Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2102261-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1195 |
Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089763-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 2010 |
Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089763-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 2130 |
Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089763-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1250 |
Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089763-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1320 |
Mouse Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2098645-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1630 |
Mouse Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2098645-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1750 |
Mouse Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2098645-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1030 |
Mouse Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2098645-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1100 |
Rat C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089944-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 2150 |
Rat C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089944-10x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack110x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,10x96Tests) |
EUR 2275 |
Rat C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089944-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1335 |
Rat C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089944-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1405 |
Rat Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2098857-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1715 |
Rat Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2098857-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1835 |
Rat Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2098857-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1080 |
Rat Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2098857-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1145 |
Rat Trypsinogen Activation Peptide (TAP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099230-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 1715 |
Rat Trypsinogen Activation Peptide (TAP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099230-10x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack210x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,10x96Tests) |
EUR 1835 |
Rat Trypsinogen Activation Peptide (TAP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099230-5x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests |
EUR 1080 |
Rat Trypsinogen Activation Peptide (TAP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2099230-5x96TestsMBS2090686AbPairsSupportPack25x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
5x96Tests+MBS2090686(AbPairsSupportPack2,5x96Tests) |
EUR 1145 |
Human C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard) |
MBS2089942-10x96Tests |
MyBiosource |
10x96Tests |
EUR 2080 |
Bis heute wird die Primärkultur von Chiken-Embrio-Fibroblasten zur Produktion von Impfviren gegen Masern, Mumps und Tollwut in großem Maßstab verwendet. Seit dem 2000. Jahr in westlichen Ländern wurde der größte Teil der Virusimpfstoffe durch Kultivierung in kontinuierlichen Tumorzelllinien hergestellt. Die letzte Technologie ist die kostengünstigste für die Herstellung von Impfstoffen in großem Maßstab. Wir überprüfen mehrere neue biotechnologische Plattformen für die Herstellung des rekombinanten Proteins oder virusähnlicher Partikel als Impfstoffe für Untereinheiten: Pflanzensystem, Algen, Pilze, Insektenzellen usw.